Multiple input causes are acknowledged encompassing VGA, Composite, as well as direct hook-ups to iPods, iPhones, PSPs, and a myriad of cell phones. With 1GB constructed in and a micro SD card port the storage capability is effectively unlimited. The onboard document list and decoder performances a huge variety of formats encompassing MP4, AVI, WMA, JPG, GIF, HTML, etc. and it arrives with a built-in speaker. The business furthermore assertions that the AAXAP1 can supply users with a electric battery life of 45 to 60 minutes (replacement electric battery loads are available).

The price of Rs. 14, 070 ($289), encompassed with the projector is a electric battery, charger and composite input cable. A Tripod, mini-USB cable and microSD cards are accessible separately. As of January 14, 2009 units are suppose to shipping in the US. Let’s wish they get here soon as well.
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